How To Replace An RV Fridge Gasket On An Old Fridge That Doesn't Have Spare Parts like Dometic
If you have an RV fridge that needs a new gasket, but the manufacturer no longer makes spare parts for it, you will need to get it custom...

Best Way How To Disable Apple AirTag Speaker Sound (Doesn't Break Tabs And No Glue Necessary)
The Apple AirTag is great for keeping track of or tracking things. It has a speaker that notifies you of its location by making sounds....

How To Replace Spider Gasket on Pentair Pool Filter Multiport Valve | Cedar Park Pool
Tutorial on how to replace the spider gasket on a pool filter multiport valve. Buy gasket for 2" pipe multi port valve here. The...

How To Install Rainwater Diverter for Rain Barrel on Gutter Downspout | Flex-Drain 3x4in Rain Water
This is how I installed a rainwater diverter on my gutter downspout to fill a 275-gallon IBC tote tank. The rainwater diverter used in...

How To Make GARDEN HOSE ADAPTER For IBC Tote Ball Valve (275 Gallon) for Rainwater Harvesting Use
The IBC Tote (275 Gallon) that I installed for rainwater harvesting had a ball valve pre-installed. The output of the ball valve has a 2"...

Does Advion Cockroach Gel Work? Let's see the proof! | Syngenta 383920 Gel Bait Roach Killer
How well does the Advion Cockroach Killer paste work? Watch this video to find out. Buy it here: https://amzn.to/3JBLOZ8 I use this...

Easy Trick To Fix Loud Squeaking ROOMBA!!! Silence Your iRobot Roomba's Annoying Squeaky Wheel Video
My Roomba was making an awful squeaking sound that was louder than the Roomba itself. I thought it was unfixable until I discovered this...

KOBALT Quiet Tech 26 Gallon Air Compressor FAILS AGAIN! Watch this long term review before buying!
The KOBALT Quiet Tech 26 Gallon Air Compressor has failed for the second time. The first air compressor lasted about a year before it...

Fixing Dead Pool Pump Motor By Replacing Bearings | Century Centurion B1000 Commercial Motor Locked
After replacing all the seals and gaskets on the pump, the pool pump motor ended up also needing its bearings replaced because water had...

How To Make a Windproof Beach Shade Canopy DIY Sun Shade
Making a DIY beach sunshade is easy, and you may already have all the materials. All you need are some long tent poles (20-25ft), fabric...