NERF PRO GELFIRE MYTHIC Hopper Adapter For Standard Gravity Feed Hoppers (3D Printed)
NERF Gelfire Mythic Hopper Adapter For Standard Gravity Feed Hoppers One main issue with the NERF GELFIRE is the custom hopper it uses....

NERF PRO GELFIRE MYTHIC Hopper Adapter For Soda and Water Bottles for NERF Gel Blaster
Hopper Adapter For Soda Bottles The NERF GELFIRE MYTHIC is a decent gel blaster, but the custom hopper design doesn't allow it to work...

How To Install A HOP-UP On GEL BLASTER, Which One To Buy, and Where To Buy It From
WHAT IS GEL BLASTER HOP-UP? A hop-up for gel blasters is a device that is attached onto the end of the barrel and gives the gel ball a...

How To Add BEST TRACER MOD To Gel Blaster To Make Gel Balls Glow In The Dark For Playing After Dark
If you think gel blasters are fun to play with during the day, wait till you do it at night with glow-in-the-dark gel balls. To make glow...

LIGHTNING BLASTER MRT Nylon by GelTactical - Best High Performance Gel Blaster Under $150
The Lightning Blaster MRT is the house brand of GelTactical. GelTactical is the US arm of M4A1 Gel Blaster in Australia who have been in...

Best Gel Ball Ammo for Gel Blasters (7.5mm or 7-8mm Diameter)
I get a lot of questions about what the best gel balls are to use, and can I use brands of gel balls different from the gel blaster...

How To Add A MOSFET Mod To Gel Blaster
There are several reasons why a MOSFET is a good upgrade for a gel blaster. Extends trigger switch life Faster response Programmability...

How To Upgrade HYDRO STRIKE PULSAR PRO Gel Blaster and Mod, Take It Apart, Repair, Fix It
I unbox and review the Hydro Strike Pulsar Pro, the new gel blaster from the brand behind the DART ZONE Nerf-style foam blasters. What's...

What's In The Box?! SPLATRBALL Gun SRB1200 Gel Blaster Unboxing & Review | SPLAT-R-BALL w/ Drum Mag
I unbox the Splat-R-Ball SRB1200 gel blaster and give an initial review. This Splatrball comes with a huge 1200-round drum magazine. The...

What's In The Box?! GEL BLASTER SURGE 2.0 Unboxing and Initial Review | GB Splatrball Hydro Strike
Gel Blaster SURGE has been upgraded from version 1.0 to 1.5 to 2.0. This review is of the newest 2.0 version. They have made some...