What's In The Box?! SPLATRBALL Gun Gel Blaster Unboxing & Review | SPLAT-R-BALL SRB400-SUB BLUE
There are 2 versions of the Splat-R-Ball SRB400 gel ball blaster gun. The most common is the orange version. It comes with a stock. The...

How To UPGRADE 800 Round SplatRBall Drum Mag to 1200 Round | Splat-R-Ball SRB400 Gel Blaster Gun
Buy Splatrball Drum Mag here https://amzn.to/3P5dPuI and watch this video to increase the capacity from 800 rounds to 1200 rounds....

SURGE XL by Gel Blaster is the big brother of the original SURGE, but now with many more features. It's Gel Blaster's first powerful...

Splatrball SRB400 vs SRB1200 Gel Blasters - What's the difference between them? Which one is better?
I compare the Splatrball SRB400 and Splatrball SRB1200 gel blasters and discuss the similarities and differences. Which one is better?...

X2 GLOCK GEL BLASTER Unboxing, Review, and Upgrade Mods for JM-X2 Gel Ball Blaster Gun Pistol
Due to popular demand, I finally got a JM-X2 Glock-style gel blaster. I'm not a fan of replica blasters, but since I've gotten so many...

NERF PRO GELFIRE MYTHIC Review, Mods, Upgrades, Teardown (How To Take Apart And Reassemble)
Will NERF Dominate the Gel Blaster Wars with the NERF GelFire Mythic? Find out how good/bad it is. NERF just released their first gel...

I Tested FAKE Gel Blaster Surge and Compare It To The Real GB Surge Gel Ball Blaster Like Splatrball
Let's see if this Gel Blaster Surge FAKE COPY is as good as the real thing. I'm naming it the SCOURGE. Watch this: I don't promote buying...

EASIEST WAY To Fill Gel Blaster Mag | Gel Blaster's GELLET DEPOT grows, stores & dishes out ammo
Why You NEED this Gel Ball Dispenser | Gel Blaster's GELLET DEPOT grows, stores & dishes out ammo â–¼ WHERE TO BUY - â–¶ Get 10% off at...

How to Store Gel Blaster Balls, Splat Balls, Orbeez, Gel Beads | Keep them good and ready for months
This is how I store Gel Balls (splat balls, orbeez, water beads) for Gel Blasters indefinitely until I'm ready to use them. Keep them in...

What's The Best Gel Blaster Glow Gel Ammo? (And What Works Best In Which Splat Gel Ball Blasters?)
Gel Blaster, Splat Ball Gun, Orbeez Gun, whatever you want to call it, one of the most fun things to do with them is to shoot glow gel...