How To Repair Pentair Pool Filter Multiport Valve Diverter | Replace Rusted Spring and Rebuild Diverter Assembly | Cedar Park Pool
How To Repair Multiport Valve Diverter Tutorial on how to replace the rusted spring and rebuild a PENTAIR multiport valve diverter on a...

Hot Tub Jets Stuck? The BEST Way To Fix & Clean Them (While Filled or When Empty)
This is the absolute easiest way to clean and fix stuck hot tub jets. The same technique works underwater, like this: This is the sprayer...

Fixing Dead Pool Pump Motor By Replacing Bearings | Century Centurion B1000 Commercial Motor Locked
After replacing all the seals and gaskets on the pump, the pool pump motor ended up also needing its bearings replaced because water had...

How To Fix Leaking Pool Pump | Pentair Challenger Motor Shaft Seal Replacement & Housing Gasket Leak
The pool pump shaft seal on our neighborhood pool started leaking tons of water. Once we got the right size seals, it was a fairly easy...