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MARKSMITH Titanium Bolt Action Marker w/ Sharpie® Cartridge

Carry the world's first titanium retractable permanent marker every day to make a bold statement on surfaces that a pen can't write on.
main image 4
BAM details 3 darker
BAM extended
BAM extended in hand
BAM extending bolt
BAM extending bolt 2
BAM extended and drawing
BAM bolt action

Thank you to the 2,766 Kickstarter Backers

who made the MARKSMITH a reality!

Digital devices may have replaced pens for daily writing tasks, but there’s one thing that still can’t be done with a computer or smartphone…

Permanently write on any object. (Like marking your name on the energy drink in the office fridge so Bret doesn’t down it.)

While there are many options for stylish and durable pens that I would be proud to carry…

There are ZERO options for a retractable permanent marker that meets my high standards, until...

I set out to design and make the world's first all-metal (Titanium), retractable, Sharpie® style permanent marker...

BAM header - Marksmith Bolt Action Marke
Bauen Marksmith BAM! Bolt Action Titanium Marker

MARKSMITH /märkˌsmiTH/ noun: a skilled user of markers.

There are several inspirations for the name Marksmith. A wordsmith is defined as "a skilled user of words". A smith is a "worker in metal", which is perfect since the Marksmith is crafted from metal. And you may think that Mark comes from marker, and it does, but really it's a shout out to my good friend Mark McJunkin who is a beastmode designer/maker, a prolific user of Sharpie markers and inspiration for this marker pen. Hitting your Mark is also a term that invokes high accuracy, and a Marksman is a person skilled at hitting their mark, which ties into the bolt action mechanism. So all of this comes together to form a new word MARKSMITH: "a skilled user of markers".

BAM! /bam!/ acronym: Bolt Action Marker!

Not only does BAM! stand for Bolt Action Marker, but it's also what I feel like saying every time I extend or retract the Marksmith. From here on out I'll be using BAM! in place of bolt action marker.

Bauen Marksmith BAM! Bolt Action Titanium Marker in hand
Bauen Marksmith BAM! Bolt Action Titanium Marker Specificatons


Mike, Braza Bro Owner

Got mine today! It was amazing. Was being crucial as my fiance promptly stole it, running around the house yelling "mine".

Dan, Kickstarter Backer

Mine arrived today and it's gorgeous! It's big, sleek and just super comfortable to hold. Nicely done!

Johnny, Kickstarter Backer

Got mine today as well. It is shocking solid for a marker. It feels extremely stout and I have no doubt this will last a long time.

Marksmith Fine

Marksmith Fine
MARKSMITH Titanium: The Best EDC Marker You'll Ever Own

MARKSMITH Titanium: The Best EDC Marker You'll Ever Own

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Marksmith Titanium Bolt Action Marker - Compatible Cartridge Overview

Marksmith Titanium Bolt Action Marker - Compatible Cartridge Overview

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Refill MARKSMITH Titanium Fine Point Marker using a Cartridge from a Retractable Sharpie Fine Point

Refill MARKSMITH Titanium Fine Point Marker using a Cartridge from a Retractable Sharpie Fine Point

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Refill the MARKSMITH Titanium Fine Point EDC Using Permanent Marker Ink

Refill the MARKSMITH Titanium Fine Point EDC Using Permanent Marker Ink

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