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CNC Coolant Prevent Bacterial Growth With Ozonator

Coolant used in metal cutting and CNC machining applications turns into an inevitable primordial soup if the machines are not run continuously. I've tried bubbler ozonator, but the problem is that the tanks are shallow and there's not enough time for good mixing into the coolant, so a lot of ozone escapes. It works, but it's not efficient. Also the stones get clogged over time.

Venturi and Static Mixer

The coolant lines on the Tormach and Haas TM-1 Mill and GT-10 lathes are both 0.5in ID

Based on pipe ID and glue rate approximation, the DN20 would be the correct size kit.

A Common, Central Coolant Tank

It's costly and complicated to setup a coolant cleaning system at each machine. Also, it's easier to maintain a large volume of coolant than a small one.

My solution is a central coolant tank that gets dispensed to the machine that needs it and then vacuumed back to the central tank occasionally, or when it won't be used for a while. The vacuum process also filters the coolant, removing chips and sludge. A vacuum with a dual stage cyclone is mounted above the tank. Coolant gets pulled into the 1st cyclone, a hydrocyclone, and particles are separated from the coolant. Then the coolant passes into a larger cyclone that allows a little bit of air to leak in also. The coolant gets seperated from the airstream and dumps into a filter, and then into the tank. Then whatever remains in the hydrocyclone gets drained into the same filter.

The central tank has an oil skimmer (extra long belt to adjust to the variable tank height). The dispensing pump is used to recirculate the coolant through the ozonator and venturi to ozonate the coolant. A UV filter could also be used.


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